Park 7 Ride Park and Rid, Lynda Avenue, Jordanstown

Jordanstown railway welcome new facility with 66 car parking spaces by Cleary Contracting
Jordanstown railway welcome new facility with 66 car parking spaces by Cleary Contracting

The new Park and Ride at Lynda Avenue, just off the Jordanstown Road, provides 66 car parking spaces. Cleary Contracting were honoured to be involved in this new facility.

Speaking at the launch of the new facility the Minister said: “I am confident these spaces, which include four spaces for people with disabilities, will help to accommodate the growing passenger numbers and alleviate traffic congestion in the area. It will further benefit the east Antrim community and help to attract more people to choose the train.”


Overview of the Project:

Creation of a new Park & Ride facility on vacant grounds adjacent to a live railway line and beside Jordanstown Railway Station.  The works included the provision of 66 parking spaces, extending CCTV and lighting, access ramp to station platform, petrol interceptor, new walls and fencing.  Within the scope of works we removed the rear boundary hedges of 5 private dwelling and constructed a new brick faced retaining wall approx. 221m long.  Working at interfaces of the local residents, Jordanstown Bowling Club, live railway and passengers the project was successfully completed on time. The project was registered with Considerate Constructors Scheme and scored 33/40.

Duration of project: 18 weeks

Jordanstown Railway Station

Design II Architects